
The Turchanin’s group focuses on novel two-dimensional (2D) materials, their hybrids and van der Waals heterostructures with functional physical and chemical properties. Topics include:

  • organic self-assembled monolayers
  • electron irradiation induced chemical reactions
  • carbon nanomembranes (CNMs) with molecular thickness
  • graphene and related 2D materials (e.g., MoS2)
  • carbon based electronics for nanosensing and energy storage
  • biofunctional surfaces and interfaces
  • nanolithography, ultramicroscopy and nanofiltration

Research Topics

Image: AG Turchanin

Figure 1: Schematic of research in the Turchanin group. From molecular precursors, self assembly and post-modification over novel materials to functional applications. (click on the image to enlarge)

The research activities concentrate on 2D carbon materials (graphene, carbon nanomembranes, organic monolayers) and their hybrids with other low dimensional materials for novel applications in nanoelectronics, nanosensors, energy-saving and nanobiotechnology. This interdisciplinary work embraces (i) growth of these materials with tailored physical and chemical properties, (ii) their nanolithography and microfabrication, (iii) their implementation in novel functional nanostructures for both fundamental studies and applied research.

A novel route to ultrathin freestanding 2D carbon materials has been developed (see Fig. 1). Such an approach enables both generation of 2D materials with adjustable properties as well as their scalable production paving the way to a variety of applications in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Selected publications

  1. G. Q. Ngo, A. George, R. T. K. Schock, A. Tuniz, E. Najafidehaghani, Z. Gan, N. C. Geib, T. Bucher, H. Knopf, C. Neumann, T. Lühder, S. Warren-Smith, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem, T. Pertsch, M. A. Schmidt, A. Turchanin, F. Eilenberger, Scalable functionalization of optical fibers using atomically thin semiconductorsExternal linkADVANCED MATERIALS 2020 32, 2003826
  2. J. Scherr, Z. Tang, M. Küllmer, S. Balser, A. S. Scholz, A. Winter, K. Parey, A. Rittner, M. Grininger, V. Zickermann, D. Rhinow, A. Terfort, and A. Turchanin, Smart Molecular Nanosheets for Advanced Preparation of Biological Samples in Electron Cryo-MicroscopyExternal linkACS NANO 2020 14, 9972-9978
  3. I. Paradisanos, S. Shree, A. George, N. Leisgang, C. Robert, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, R. J. Warburton, A. Turchanin, X. Marie, I. Gerber, B. Urbaszek, Controlling interlayer excitons in MoSExternal link2layers grown by chemical vapor depositionExternal linkNATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2020 11, 2391
  4. C. Neumann, D. Kaiser, M. J. Mohn, M. Füser, N.-E. Weber, O. Reimer, A. Gölzhäuser, T. Weimann, A. Terfort, U. Kaiser, A. Turchanin, Bottom up synthesis of graphene monolayers with tunable crystallinity and porosityExternal linkACS NANO 2019 13, 7310-7322
  5. A. Turchanin, A. Gölzhäuser, Carbon NanomembranesExternal linkADVANCED MATERIALS 2016 28, 6075-6103